------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [looptest-current] (development): * Work In Progress ( see https://etsh.io/looptest ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [looptest-20180204] (latest): * Changed osh and sh6 to etsh and tsh instead. Makefile: * Changed default MANDIR to $(PREFIX)/man/man1 . * Changed "-O2" to "-Os" in CFLAGS to optimize for size. * Removed "-Os" in CFLAGS, and let the compiler use its default optimization level (if any). clang version 5.0.1 on OpenBSD 6.2-current currently defaults to -O2. looptest.1: * Changed example to use $? instead of $s since neither osh nor etsh supports the $s parameter any longer. looptest.c: * Added setmyname() function to set program name for diagnostics. * Added another check & error out for ULONG_MAX while counting lines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [looptest-20081030]: * This was the first release. Jeffrey Allen Neitzel 2018/02/04 @(#)$Id: 80743ca3dae6fde24eba0c5eb35f25ab002d197f $